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Maroc in brief

Destination Maroc, a Nations Online country profile of the Arab kingdom in the western part of the Maghreb in North Africa, officially known as the Kingdom of Maroc.

The country borders the Atlantic Ocean in the west, the Mediterranean Sea in the north; it shares maritime borders with Portugal and Spain.

Maroc borders Algeria in the east and Western Sahara in the south. The non-self-governing territory, claimed by Maroc, borders Mauritania in the Moroccan-controlled part of Western Sahara.

Maroc has a land border with Spain at the Spanish exclaves of Ceuta and Melilla, the two populated Spanish territories on the African mainland.

The kingdom covers an area of 446,550 km² (excluding Western Sahara); compared, it is slightly smaller than Sweden or somewhat larger than California.

The country has a population of 36.3 million (in 2021); the capital city is Rabat, the largest city is Casablanca. Spoken languages are Arabic (official), several Berber dialects (Amazigh) and French.

Sports in Maroc

Football Like many countries, Maroc’s most popular sport is football. In fact, football is so important to the country that Maroc has now made five bids to host the Fifa World Cup. So far those bids have been unsuccessful, but they are trying again for 2030. But if you’re not planning your holidays that far ahead, what football can you see in Maroc today? Botola Pro is the professional football league for Maroc, home to 16 teams competing for the title. This league is the most-watched in Africa, broadcasting to an audience of around two billion people across 153 territories. Two of the top teams in Botola Pro to look out for are the current champions and runners up, Wydad AC and Raja Casablanca respectively.

Equestrian sport

Equestrian sports are big crowd-drawers in Maroc, split between the principles of dressage, jumping, and fantasia. Fantasia, also known as Tbourida, is a traditional horsemanship exhibition that you are most likely to see during cultural festivals and if you are lucky enough to attend a Maghrebi wedding.

One particular draw for horse lovers is the annual Salon Du Cheval, a six-day international horse festival that celebrates all things equestrian through shows and competitions. Plan your trip to Maroc in October if you want to be a part of this spectacle! Equestrian sport in Maroc is governed by the Royal Moroccan Equestrian Federation, so if you want to know which equestrian events to attend and when start here.

Hiking and Trekking

In Maroc, the four mountain ranges including the ATLAS chain and the RIF mountain range, provide an excellent opportunity for those who enjoy trekking, hiking and climbing. All of them are accessible to people in good physical condition. Perhaps the most popular is Le Deren, in the High Atlas. Certain peaks of the High Atlas remain snow-capped throughout the year.
Of all the mountain sports practiced in Maroc, trekking (on foot or by ski) is one of the best ways to appreciate this vast and little-visited area. The mountains are beautiful and wild, yet they are well organised for hikers with qualified guides, a good network of refuges for night stopovers, hire of pack mules and cross country bikes


In Maroc, those who love to surf can endlessly indulge their pleasure. They can be carried along by the Atlantic waves or the trade winds, slide on the snowy slopes of the Atlas mountains or the dunes of the south.


In Maroc, tennis is played on clay courts. Challenging and exciting play can be found at all major resorts where tennis is a very popular sport.

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Maroc Tourisme

Le Maroc a accueilli en 2008 un total de huit millions de touristes, en hausse de 13 % par rapport a l annee precedente, generant quelque 115 milliards de dirhams de recettes (+ 16 %), selon le ministere du Tourisme marocain qui a publie comme dessus, des statistiques et des chiffres officiels pour l'annee 2008 :
Les principaux indicateurs touristiques en 2008 :

Arrivees aux postes frontieres : 7 878 639 touristes
Nuitees dans les etablissements classes : 16 461 517 nuitees
Capacite d'hebergement (en lits) : 152 936 lits
Taux d'occupation des chambres : 45 pour cent
Recettes voyages (en dirham MOR) : 56 598 milliards MAD

La ville de Marrakech est la premiere ville touristique du Maroc. En 2008, la ville possedait une capacite d'hebergement equivalente à 44 394 lits devant Agadir avec 28 605 lits et Casablanca avec 12 762 lits. Le Maroc est actuellement le 2e pays le plus touristique d'Afrique.

Et voici la capacite d'hebergement classee (en termes de lits) en 2008

Marrakech : 44 394 lits
Agadir : 28 605 lits
Casablanca : 12 762 lits
Tanger : 7 431 lits
Fes : 7 224 lits
Ouarzazate : 7 006 lits
Rabat : 4 812 lits
Tetouan : 4 359 lits
Meknes : 3 139 lits
Essaouira : 3 322 lits
Autres : 29 882 lits
Total : 152 936 lits
Villes imperiales du Maroc
Riad du Maroc
Artisanat marocain

Maroc LOTO

As of 2006, activity and adventure tourism in the Atlas and Rif Mountains are the fastest growth area in Moroccan tourism. These locations have excellent walking and trekking opportunities from late March to mid-November. The government is investing in trekking circuits. They are also developing desert tourism in competition with Tunisia.

Morocco Lotto Statistics
MAROCLOTO.COM provides a wealth of statistical information, gathered by a team of highly skilled experts, for people who have an interest in lottery statistics and probability. This unique website provides in-depth numerical data for morocco Lotto.

To provide the most up-to-date and accurate lotto statistics, the numerical information on MAROCLOTO.COM is updated within minutes of the different lottery draws taking place and is thoroughly checked. To view information for a lottery, simply choose the option you like from below including the most common numbers, consecutive number patterns, distribution of odds versus evens and bell curve statistics.

These pages shows you which MOROCCO LOTTO have been picked the most and least times on a Wednesday and Saturday evenings. You can see which are the most common and least common MOROCCO LOTTO winning numbers to drop out of the machine.

La MDJS au cœur de la compétition sportive | MDJS | La Marocaine des Jeux & des Sports

Depuis sa création en 1962, la MDJS détient le monopole de l’organisation et de l’exploitation des concours de pronostics portant sur les compétitions sportives. C’est le point de départ d’un long parcours au cours duquel la MDJS s’est positionnée comme acteur central et opérateur moderne dans le secteur de la loterie sportive au Maroc. Ceci, grâce aux produits qu’elle offre et qui répondent à la fois aux objectifs marketing et aux fondements de la politique de jeu responsable.

L’histoire de l’institution est intimement liée à celle du sport au Maroc. Mais en 1987, la création du FNDS, le Fonds National de Développement du Sport, a permis à la Marocaine des Jeux et des Sports de trouver sa vraie vocation en devenant le premier bailleur de fonds du sport national.

Offrant depuis ses débuts une importante variété de jeux, la MDJS innove régulièrement, choisissant de nouveaux produits qui répondent à ses objectifs commerciaux et qui sont toujours conformes à l’éthique de jeu responsable. Parmi les plus populaires, on trouve le jeu Cote&Foot lancé en 2005 devenu Cote&Sport en 2011, divers jeux de grattage et le jeu Chrono lancé en 2008.








Address: Casablanca, Morocco info@marocloto.com


MAROC LOTO, Acheter le loto, Verifier les resultats, Gagner a la loterie, mdjsjeux.ma, mdjs, Le site de la Marocaine des Jeux & des Sports, mdjs chrono


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This website is not an official website and is not associated with 'Résultat Loto', 'LA LOTERIE NATIONALE' or 'MDJS JEUX' or any Moroccan lottery company that manages any product for which their services are employed.

The information available on the MAROCLOTO.COM website is solely for the use of players and prospective players of The Australian lotteries. These are information pages only and are not intended to encourage participation in lotteries.

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